Work on Eixo Central in Alta de Lisboa (Lisbon) in the following sections:
- Section between Avenue Vieira da Silva and Street H1 - Run-off drainage network, electricity infrastructures and roads on the two carriageways
- Section between Roundabout 1 and Avenue 2 - Run-off and domestic waste water drainage network, electricity infrastructures and roads on one of the carriageways
- Section between Avenue 2 and Avenue 4 - Completed
- Section between Street 9 and the north-south axis road
- Section between Street H1 and Roundabout 1 - Earthworks, run-off drainage network,
- General excavation of south car park and run-off and domestic waste water drainage network, electricity infrastructuresand roads on one of the carriageways between the South Gate and Avenue Vieira da Silva
- Construcion of Roundabout 2 Avenue and Street H2 - Central Road Network
- Section between the South Gate and Avenue Vieira da Silva
- Section between the Avenue Vieira da Silva and Street H1
- Section between the Street H1 and Roundabout 1
- Construction of Roundabout 1
- Construction of the first stage of the South Gate
- Section between Av4 and Roundabout 2 - Earthworks, run-off and domestic waste water drainage network
- Section between Av4 and Roundabout 2: Completion and finishes
Other Works in Alta de Lisboa (Lisbon):
- Execution of Infrastructure and landscaping in Lot 6, in Alta de Lisboa (Lisbon)
- Execution of Infrastructure and landscaping in Street 3, in Alta de Lisboa (Lisbon)
- Rehabilitation of Street F2 , between "Bairro dos Sete Céus" and Lot 23.2, in Alta de Lisboa (Lisbon)
- Street 9 – Street F2 – Lot 28 (Lisbon)
- Execution of Infrastructure in Lot 14, in Alta de Lisboa (Lisbon)
- Soil Stabilization Works, Slopes Construction and Rehabilitation of Public Space in Street Raul Rego, Street G1 (Lot 22.2), in Alta de Lisboa (Lisbon)